of the safest investments, before the crisis, was to lend to governments
because they were expected to always be able to repay the investor at maturity,
whilst lending to companies is perceived to be less safe. The reward or
interest rate paid for holding government stock was lower than that gained from
holding company bonds before the crisis but reversed when investors feared that
their investments in some government stock was now in doubt. Blue chip
companies, on the other hand, were perceived as remaining relatively safe. The
reward for holding company stock became lower than that demanded for holding
some government stock such as that issued by Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal
and Spain although they are part of the European community.
Banks brought the benchmark interest rates down to very low levels in the early
stages of the crisis, leaving investors with funds in cash savings earning a very low return on their money. Slowly these
investors realised that interest rates would stay low for a long time and some
moved their investment profile into higher risk investments where better
returns could be achieved. The less
sophisticated investors utilised collective investment vehicles to get the
better returns that they needed while the professionals judged that the
protection of central Banks may justify investing some portion of their assets
into the very high yielding stock such as that issued by the PIIGS countries
who were, after all, protected by the ECB.
Whilst this analysis was in doubt for a very long time as the
politicians sought to increase the controls over the peripheral countries’
finances with implied threats of removing that protection unless they fell into
line, it has proved a great success for these early investors with high yields
and capital returns.
investors in the bond market are and remain the institutions that need to match
their liabilities with their assets because they need to ‘know’ that they will
have the funds to match the liability when it arises. These funds will continue to buy bonds with
the right maturity and can, at present, justify the low yields by ensuring that
they are higher than the low level that inflation is or than cash returns. The other funds that buy these bonds are
those of collective funds who are satisfying the needs of the retail investor
for a return that is better than that obtained from cash.
and yields traditionally move in opposite directions with interest rates being
the key driver of short term bonds which would be expected to rise along with key
interest rates, whereas long term bonds are more affected by inflation
expectations and economic growth. If inflation is expected to rise and
economies are growing the yields of longer term bonds will rise and prices will
term bonds will be impacted by the shape of the yield curve which is a
graphical representation of the yields that are currently available at the
various maturities. It is based on the
idea that there is a connection between a bond’s maturity date and yield. Historically shorter term bonds have offered
lower yields while long term bonds would produce higher yields so a “normal”
yield curve would begin in the bottom left of the graph and arc up towards the
top right of the graph.
ECB bank rate is in the bottom left hand corner
at zero which causes all other short term rates to be dragged towards it. Inverted yield curves have been indicators of
a slowdown in economic growth, low inflation and further expectations of
interest rate cuts.
financial crisis has led to a period of low inflation expectations and central
bank rates so that yields are low from the short dated bonds through to the
long dated issuances. The demand for
yield has resulted in the issuance of more long dated bonds which gives the
investor the advantage of covering longer dated liabilities and of giving a
higher level of income.
has remained in the hands of corporates and retail investors and their demand
for low risk yield has created the funds to meet the supply of funds from
governments. The slow rate of growth in
profits and weak retail and business demand for goods and services has
perpetuated this very low yield environment. The policy being followed,
however, is designed to reverse this situation and when it does yields will
return to more normal levels. The US is
reining back on this accommodative stance and the UK has already stopped
fuelling liquidity with more funds. In
Europe the ECB still has more to do to combat deflation and increase growth so
we may expect to see yields rising in the US and UK over the medium term but
remain low in Europe. Subject to
inflation remaining low across these areas this should increase the attractions
of the US Dollar and Pound when compared with the Euro.
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