Investment, both domestic and foreign, will lead to job
creation. With 10 million people entering the workforce every year, that will
be music to the ears of so many of the younger voters who wanted an end to the
rule of the Congress Party. After being in power for 55 of the last 67 years,
and most recently for a continuous 10 year period, the Congress Party is
perceived as being responsible for the recent poor economic performance, in
spite of almost double digit growth in four of those years. It is also seen as
a party riven with corruption.
Controlling inflation is seen as high priority. Consumer
Price Inflation hit a high of almost 9% in April, due mostly to higher food
prices. The volatility of food prices has been linked to a poor supply chain –
namely warehouse shortages, food hoarding and black market activity,
unpredictable supplies of vegetables, and the generally weak infrastructure.
These ‘bottlenecks’ will be addressed by the new government. Meanwhile, in an
effort to contain inflation the Reserve Bank of India has raised interest rates
three times since last September.
The coal sector will be one of the first industries to be
targeted in a drive to improve efficiency and output in a ‘transparent’ way.
Corruption and bureaucracy have seen mining output decrease, and India is a
large importer of coal even though it has plenty of it available at home. One
suggested plan is to break up the state owned Coal India company into smaller
independent units, and also to open up the sector to private investment,
including foreign investment. Coal is a cheap and potentially plentiful form of
energy from India’s perspective, so improving the efficiency of its production
is an urgent task.
India is also expected to lift restrictions currently
limiting online retailers like Amazon from selling their own products in the
country. Freeing up the ecommerce space is predicted to boost a contribution of
4% to economic growth by 2020, as opposed to 1% at the moment. Opening up the
economy to online giants like Amazon is expected to benefit local manufacturers
and suppliers as they form partnerships with Amazon and others to source
cheaper local products. The decision to press ahead with this more liberal
approach may well be announced in the first budget of the new government in
Another area for improving the ratio of foreign direct
investment is in companies in the defence sector, where figures of up to 100%
have been quoted. In the last ten years foreign investment has accounted for
only $5billion of a $322 billion dollar overall investment in the sector.
Private Indian companies have only been permitted to operate in the defence
arena since 2002. Although the need for investment exists, there is some
resistance to allowing such a high level of participation by foreign investors.
If they are to be allowed to invest it should be conditional on a transfer of
technology to India and training of Indian employees, said a source from Larsen
and Toubro, a large Indian private defence contractor.
It is one thing to talk a good reform package, but can Mr.
Modi deliver? He was credited with great
success as Chief Minister of Gujarat, where under his stewardship the economy
grew and the state prospered. He even saw to it that the state had electricity
24 hours a day. Whether he can apply that golden touch to the economy of India
as a whole remains to be seen. His image is one of a man who is corruption
free, which no doubt helped him get re-elected as Chief Minister of Gujarat
three times.
Responding to the president’s speech on Wednesday, Mr. Modi
said "It is the collective responsibility of all elected representatives
to fulfil the faith reposed in us by the electorate. I reassure the house that
all the promises made in the President's speech will be delivered." He
went into detail, citing enhancement of agricultural productivity as one step
on the path, and encouraging the wider use of organic farming methods in the
whole of the North East of the country, with the aim of entering the global
market in organic produce.
Elimination of poverty will be reduced through more
educational opportunities and the lowering of food prices. Even currently
skilled workers should be given more chances to improve their marketability
through further education. This also leads to improved social status, and the
improvement of the social infrastructure in India is another important factor
in the resurgence of the country. Mr. Modi admitted that the Gujarat model
could not be applied across India, saying that “Different states offer
different lessons and we plan to implement the best examples.”
The new government is in the honeymoon phase, and euphoria
is high. There can be no underestimating the challenge facing Mr. Modi though
as he begins his reformation. The mood has been optimistic and was certainly
reflected in a surge in the stock markets once the election results were almost
certain. Mr. Modi’s first budget in July should give a clearer indication of
just how he intends to begin the great Indian comeback, and also give a clue as
to just how investor friendly India might turn out to be.
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