About Me
his many businesses he owns the number 1 investment training company in the UK and Europe.
This company provides training courses in stock market, forex and property investing and since
the year 2000 has successfully trained over 250,000 people.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Top Forex Day Trading Tips to Rake in the Millions
Forex day trading systems offer one of the best ways to make money in the most lucrative market in the world. You must be now have guessed from the name that the day traders in currency trading are only concerned about what happens today and least bothered about the future trends. This is what makes this particular trading style so unique, as well as attractive. It is not surprising that an increasing number of people are choosing it as a career choice nowadays.
One of the biggest advantages with the foreign exchange market is that it works round the clock. What this in turn means is that the opportunities to make money are more when compared to other markets such as the stock market. With the advent of the internet, it has also become a lot easier to trade. A few clicks of the mouse is all that is needed for placing a trade these days.
The reason why forex day trading is popular is because it requires a lesser starting capital, when compared to the other forms of currency trading. The main strategy that is adopted by anyone who is into day trading is to make optimum use of the intraday price swing. It is always preferable that you get yourself trained thoroughly in all the aspects of this particular area before you take a full - fledged jump.
Working under an experienced forex broker can help you get to learn about forex day trading. Watching them can help you get to know intimately the successful strategies that are used by brokers. The foreign exchange field can be quite a confusing one for beginners. It is therefore, always preferable that you get yourself trained before you try your hand in day trading. Once you are experienced, you can then go about on your own making the most of the lucrative opportunities available in the market.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4529914
Monday, 3 September 2012
Challenges Facing Real Estate Property Investment
One thing that many people will be in agreement with is that up to now the industry of real estate is struggling to make an impact on the lives of people. It is still down and it's yet to rise. If it was capable enough, countries wouldn't be experiencing the housing challenges they are having nowadays. Initially it was said that the high interest rates that were charged on mortgages explained this condition. A few years ago, these interest rates were reduced but still the situation has not changed. This shows that there are other factors which affect this business of real estate property.
Therefore, if you are an investor and you wish to invest in residential property, the following are some of the challenges you need to be prepared for.
One of these challenges involves issues to do with unemployment. Research has it that unemployment is the major challenge that hinders the business of residential housing. This is because of the obvious reason that a person who doesn't have a job can't afford to buy a decent home. However, this is not the case always. Even those who are employed are reluctant in taking a mortgage. They fear what will happen to them if they lose their jobs and they have a loan to pay for a residential property.
The second factor that poses a great challenge to this industry is the ever rising numbers of the human population. Though population increase provides a large market to this sector, different people have different tastes and preferences. It is therefore hard to meet all the requirements that they want. Due to this reason, some homeowners have suffered many losses as they were not able to sell their properties because they have been turned down by the buyers. It is therefore advisable for investors to carry out a thorough research on people's likes and dislikes.
Lack of capital is the third challenge that the industry faces. People don't have enough money to pay as a down payment for these houses. Others on the other hand are not willing to put their money into this kind of business. The result that is obtained from these actions is that the industry gets fewer finances that can't propel its growth.
Natural calamities have also hindered the growth of this sector. The negative impacts brought about by earthquakes and floods are the examples here. Complete houses have been brought down by these calamities. Man's actions have also affected the growth of this industry. Actions of terrorism and those that lead to fire burning are the instances here. Unhealthy business competition is the challenge that has also contributed to the downfall of this industry. New investors are finding it difficult coping up in this market because those who entered the market early are monopolizing everything.
However all is not lost in this industry. Solutions can be sought for these challenges and the industry can be reclaimed. Proper planning and preparation need to be done by both owners and buyers of these homes so that challenges can be managed effectively whenever they come.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7190553
Thursday, 30 August 2012
How To Start Forex Trading – Very Useful For Forex Beginners Who Have Low Budget To Start!
Every forex beginner knows what is forex trading but the only one question for them is to how to start. As of now there are many tools, trading systems and software that are in use in daily trading. The big mistake that every beginner does is that they get tempted to the hype of forex trading robots or to some forex trading software and they start trading and finally end up with loss.
I am not against to the forex trading robots or to any software, but my point here is that it is not the right time to use a forex trading robot or a software when you are as beginner. We can use the robots and software at a later stage.
Here is a step by step plan on “How To Start Trading”. So let's start.
Plan For The First 15 Days – Phase 1:
Before you start trading you should always know the basics of forex trading and the terminology related to the forex market. This is not a big problem. If you goolge it, you can get lot information which you can't even digest. Or visit my website and subscribe to the free e-course in which you will be provided with all the needed knowledge and information on forex trading. At this stage nothing to hurry up, first finish off the basics of forex trading. Normally 10 to 15 days of time is really good enough for any average joe to be ready with basics. But we shall put it to 15 days of time.
Note: At this stage my kind request is not to get tempted to start real trading. Please do not start.
When you start learning basics in the first 15 days, along with it you also need to get register with any forex brokerage firm which is in this industry for a long time and very reliable. I suggest you to go for Easy Forex Brokerage firm or Forex Yard Brokerage firm as they are very reliable and the registration is completely free. After registering you can use their demo accounts for your practice and they will never force you to start real trading. So you can take enough time to practice on their demo accounts. Practice on the demo accounts as much as possible until you feel comfortable with them and this practice is really needed.
Be patient. There is still a long way for us to go and do not start real trading!
Plan for the Next 10 Days – Phase 2:
Now in phase 2, you need to learn when to start a trade by finding the entry points and also need to learn when to exit the trade by finding the exit points. For this you need to learn in depth of what technical analysis is and what fundamental analysis is. You can google them, but you cannot put them in an order to learn. If you subscribe to our forex beginner course, you will also be provided with free e-books on technical analysis and fundamental analysis at the end of forex basics course. I kindly request you to go through all of those e-books steadily, but do not hurry up. This is very critical phase which you need to concentrate a lot because this is the point where you exactly learn what is the real forex trading and this phase leads you to become a forex winner. To learn about all the useful technical analysis methods and fundamental analysis methods, normally 10 days is good enough.
Even now please do not start real trading.
Plan For The Next 15 Days – Phase 3:
The next 15 days you need to apply what you have learned till now and practice on demo accounts of either Easy Forex Broker or Forex Yard Broker.
Watch any of the TV channels such as NBC News, CNN Money, Forex News Channel, etc which provides you the Forex news. Now pick the points in the forex news. Now start co-relating the news with what you have learned in technical analysis and fundamental analysis and you need to find the entry and exit points for a trade.
Daily try to find at least 8 to 10 profitable entry points and exits points and start trading on your demo account. Make a note of all the entry points which have given you the profits and also remember the factors depending upon which you have derived that profitable entry point. Practice this for at least 15 days and at the end of 15th day you will be able to find at least 5 best profitable entry and exit points a day. Finding the best profitable trades is nothing but building a forex strategy for your trading.
So end of 40th day you will be in a position to trade forex on real account. Till now you have practiced the trades on a demo account so there will not be any involvement of emotions but once you start trading with real account emotions come in and they may lead you into loss. So you need to control your emotions and need to exit the trades as per your calculated exit points. Now you can go little advanced and try some automated tools such automated forex trading signal software which can generate the entry and exit points for you.
All the hard work in 40 days needs to be done by you as there won’t be any mentor for you other than yourself. Right now there are some online forex mentors who can mentor you such as FAP Winner as they are the best till now in mentoring the beginners. But they will charge you around $300 a one time payment. It is up to you to decide it or practice by yourself.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Five Reasons Why Property Investment Still Makes Financial Sense

High Rental Demand - Mainly due to the lack of lending that has helped to stall the sale market, renting has seen a massive increase in demand over the past three years, with even people that could afford mortgage but still not being awarded them turning to the rental market to find somewhere to live. Just because they cannot get a mortgage does not make them a risk factor, it is simply that getting a mortgage is so much harder these days, which means that if you have buy to let properties, you stand a good chance of making sure that they are tenanted.
Buyers Market - If you have money then this is definitely your market, because there are a lot of desperate sellers currently taking discounted prices for their properties, just so that they can move or complete the move they have been waiting for. This means that the market is definitely in the favour of the buyer rather than the seller, with lending and other costs impacting the market, allowing many avenues for the shrewd investors to really snap up some below market value properties if they can act quickly.
In Control Of Value - A fantastic aspect about investing in property is that you are pretty much in control of the value of the property when it comes to increasing the price that you want to attract when selling. For example, by adding new features or redeveloping the property, you can add extra value, even down to things like fittings and furniture. Unlike many other investments, you have the control and ability to increase the value, without having to wait years and years for its value to increase due to age or demand.
Low Risk Investment - Despite all of the doom and gloom and the red downward arrows on every news report your see, property is still a relatively low risk investment, which means over time, the chances of the losing money would be placed in the "low" category. For every type of investment comes a risk category, from low to high, so this means that you stand more of a chance of keeping your investment financially sound when you look at property as an investment.
Ability To Grow Quickly - One of the best things about being a successful property investor is the ability to grow your portfolio at the rate that you want to grow it. For example, some investors like to grow their stock a couple every year, where as others are out for a much faster road trip and will try to add a few properties every couple of months. Once you understand how property investment works, you can often develop a sound buying strategy that you can utilise time and time again to allow you to grow your portfolio.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7231801
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
The Hidden Secrets of Successful Stock Market Trading Rules - Fine-tuning Your Stop Losses
There are two cardinal successful stock market trading rules that I am sure you are quite familiar with by now.
The first of the two most common stock market trading rules are to cut your losses short. The second of the two most common successful stock market trading rules are to let your profits run. However, you can take it one-step further by fine-tuning your trailing stop losses, and becoming more risk seeking once your stock is in profit. Increasing your risks, at the right time, can allow you to get all the profit you possibly can out of your system. You may wish to test the effects of these successful stock market trading rules by having a wider trailing stop loss than your initial stop, and see how this is reflected in your system.
For example, you could set your initial stop loss at two ATR but set your trailing stop loss as three ATR. This allows the stock, once it`s in profit, a little bit more room to move. You`re still limiting your risk at the beginning of the trade by keeping a tight stop loss; however you`re going to become risk seeking in a profitable situation. That is to say you`ll be willing to risk more once you`re already in profit.
Personally, I think this is one of the many successful stock market trading rules you can use to take it a step further than most people are willing to go. With this strategy, I also mix and match my stop loss methods. For example, in one of my stock market trading rules, I set my initial stop loss at 2.5 ATR, but my trailing stop loss is calculated using a completely different method. I use what`s known as the lowest low stop. The way this stop loss works is you find the lowest low in the last X number of periods, and base your trailing stop loss on it.
Now, for that trend following system, I actually find the lowest low in the last 40 days. I then position my stop one cent below this low. It`s almost as though it`s consulting the price action itself by identifying where the lowest low is, and this can be highly effective. Many times my stop has been set one cent below a support line.
The way this trailing stop loss works is that on each day a new trading day is added to the chart, and one of the old days drop off. I then find the lowest low in the last 40 days, and reposition my stop at that point, if it needs to be repositioned. This stop has been extremely valuable for me, and it may be a stop loss that you may want to consider testing.
But, before you go looking for that perfect trailing stop loss, realize that in it`s own way, it`s very similar to the initial stop. There is no perfect stop that will guarantee to get you out of the stock at the perfect time, and save you the most profit.
Sometimes it will work for you. Other times it won`t. The real key and secret of having a stop loss and an initial stop do their best for you is not how you calculate it, it`s just having them in place.
You need to find an initial and a trailing stop loss that you`re comfortable with. You also need to understand how they work so that the actions they direct you to take makes sense to you. How do you find a stop that you`re comfortable with?
Test them. Pick out a whole lot of charts of stocks that you`ve been looking to trade, and marking where you would receive an entry signal, set various initial stops and trailing stop losses. Progress through the trade, revaluing your trailing stop loss and see which one works the best.
Often successful stock market trading rules are designed with simple concepts that works best at this point. When you base your system on understanding, rather than optimization, you are more likely to stick with it. If you can come up with a good, straightforward set of your own stock market trading rules, you will be able to apply it across a number of markets on most trading instruments. Really, when designing any system around a set of stock market trading rules, all components should apply to this same principle. You want to keep things as simple as possible, that way it`s robust and can be applied to any market. As long as you follow this underlying principle, you`ll be on the right track.
For your free stock market tickets go to http://wealthtrainingcompany.co.uk/
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Top Ways to Stock Trading
It has often been said that experience is the best teacher, and indeed, no amount of reading can help us truly understand what something is all about unless we have come to personally experience it. For those who want to learn how to trade stocks, this could not be truer. As we all know, trading in the stock market is a highly specific activity that is easy to understand but difficult to master. For some, it requires years of practice before they can truly say that they are able to trade and strategize successfully.
Fortunately, those who want to learn about trading can now avail of so many tools and courses to allow them to understand the basics and eventually move on to advanced trading practice. Stock education courses, for instance, offer lectures and even daily stock picks and reports delivered to you on a regular basis. These offer the combined advantage of convenience and fast-tracked education. In this article, we present a few more tips to help you learn about trading the easy way.
Enroll in a stock education course
Any expert will tell you that your success as a trader will not depend on your 'instinct' alone. Stock trading is a complex set of activities requiring a thorough understanding of the basic concepts and principles that explain each and every phenomenon occurring in the market. For this, one of the best ways to start investing the easy way is to enroll in a stock trading course. A typical trading course will not just teach you about concepts such as 'shares,' 'trends,' and the like, it will also give you a more-practice based approach in learning. Those who want to learn how to trade stocks will find it easier to learn and apply the principle in no time, because of this practice-based approach.
Practice trading in a virtual stock market
Once you have acquired enough understanding of the concepts and principles involved, it is now time to practice what you have learned. Unfortunately, in stock trading, the trial and error method of learning could result in major losses and failure. For this reason, experts suggest that those who want to learn how to trade stocks should practice first in a virtual stock market. Virtual stock trading, also known as 'paper trading,' refers to trading activities done within a virtual market. Although the virtual market features everything an actual stock market has, they are not real. Thus, you can practice your strategies, plan, and hold investment positions without the risk of losing real money.
Subscribe to daily stock reports
If you are really serious about learning how to trade and be successful in doing, you could well benefit from a regular subscription to daily stock picks and reports provided by a reliable company. What is good about these is that their in-house experts advice you on what stocks to monitor, what investment positions to take, and even how much money you could invest on these. This is like having your own personal coach guiding you along the way. This is a good investment that can really help you achieve success.
Visit http://wealthtrainingcompany.co.uk for your FREE tickets to Stock Market Training.
Article Source: http://goodposts.com/article.php?id=204
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Repetitive Patterns and the Summer Seasonal.
Live with Oscar
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
A Success Guide To Stock Market
Many people do not invest in stocks, because they consider them too risky. The success of any kind is risky. Starting your own business or investing in property is risky if you do not know what you do.
Most people today, for safety and road safety to put their money in savings accounts or bonds. If this sounds like you, you're missing a golden opportunity tomorrow to have more money than you have today.
There are no rules or pat formulas to guide you in choosing stocks. Bells will not ring when you pick the right stock, and you'll never be sure that much research will be profitable selection. You'll have to work hard to find opportunities missed by the masses of people.
Yet there are many things you can do to increase your chances of making a good choice. Before you invest in a stock, you must invest in what you understand, do your homework and take advantage of what you know about companies or industries.
It is important to research you believe that companies have a potential. For example, if you're interested in Walgreen Company, a drugstore chain in the country, you want to visit several stores. Look around the products they carry and the services they provide.
The same applies if you are interested in purchasing stock of Dave & Buster's, a chain of restaurants. Visit one in your area and dinner. Then go to another city and another visit Dave & Buster's and dinner as well. Take the advice of everyone, not just how the meal, but also how the service is and how it works.
This type of person, basic research is easy for anyone to do it, you do not need special powers to see how fast is a store sale or if it offers something new in the way of products or services. During your visit, ask an important question, "Which of your competitors do you respect the most.
You do not have to meet with business leaders to get the scoop on the industry. If you are already in the industry, you have a Catbird's seat. This includes producers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and anyone else connected.
For example, those in the oil industry, such as oil refineries, tank salesmen, owners of gas stations, or equipment suppliers, can come see the changes and benefit from it. They also know what the industry is moving and what the most important factors to monitor are.
Once you have chosen stocks do you consider worthy of the purchase or maintenance, it will be all you can do to stay with them if there is bad news around you. One of the cornerstones of the success of the investment in shares is: Never be afraid to own. Never sell shares as so-called experts in the media say that the sky is falling. You should only sell that company fundamentals are deteriorating
Most people today, for safety and road safety to put their money in savings accounts or bonds. If this sounds like you, you're missing a golden opportunity tomorrow to have more money than you have today.
There are no rules or pat formulas to guide you in choosing stocks. Bells will not ring when you pick the right stock, and you'll never be sure that much research will be profitable selection. You'll have to work hard to find opportunities missed by the masses of people.
Yet there are many things you can do to increase your chances of making a good choice. Before you invest in a stock, you must invest in what you understand, do your homework and take advantage of what you know about companies or industries.
It is important to research you believe that companies have a potential. For example, if you're interested in Walgreen Company, a drugstore chain in the country, you want to visit several stores. Look around the products they carry and the services they provide.
The same applies if you are interested in purchasing stock of Dave & Buster's, a chain of restaurants. Visit one in your area and dinner. Then go to another city and another visit Dave & Buster's and dinner as well. Take the advice of everyone, not just how the meal, but also how the service is and how it works.
This type of person, basic research is easy for anyone to do it, you do not need special powers to see how fast is a store sale or if it offers something new in the way of products or services. During your visit, ask an important question, "Which of your competitors do you respect the most.
You do not have to meet with business leaders to get the scoop on the industry. If you are already in the industry, you have a Catbird's seat. This includes producers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and anyone else connected.
For example, those in the oil industry, such as oil refineries, tank salesmen, owners of gas stations, or equipment suppliers, can come see the changes and benefit from it. They also know what the industry is moving and what the most important factors to monitor are.
Once you have chosen stocks do you consider worthy of the purchase or maintenance, it will be all you can do to stay with them if there is bad news around you. One of the cornerstones of the success of the investment in shares is: Never be afraid to own. Never sell shares as so-called experts in the media say that the sky is falling. You should only sell that company fundamentals are deteriorating
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Futures Charts: An Indispensable Stock Market Tool
With the help of visual interpretative charts, reading and understanding the stock market has become substantially easier. The stock market deals with crucial fiscal trading. In order to record information correctly one needs to make use of a particular table or chart that has everything recorded in a systematic way; like the price hikes and declines, the development of the market, the safe stocks, top stocks, and commodity types.
A futures chart attempts to forecast the market conditions and explains the entire monetary scene in detail. These details are crucial to every investor that tries to invest in the ever-changing stock market. Truly, the stock market is a semi-predictable trading place. Figures of prices can drastically change within hours. One has to understand the approach through reading futures charts and stock charts while also enlisting future quotes and stock quotes respectively.
These charts are available in finance journals and also online. While many journals may record closing prices of stocks on a day to day basis, one can get an hourly update of price fluctuations when researching online. Intensive stock traders take to online resources to constantly follow results of commodity prices. Analysts also present documented market speculation notes based on these future charts and stock charts.
Some advantages to reading futures charts:
Understanding the stock market requires some skill and finesse. The best investors realize that knowledge is a powerful tool and they work hard to acquire and utilize the resources available. All of these analytical details go a long way to help an investor make wise decisions regarding their investment strategies. Without comprehending the many facets of trade, it’s hard for an individual to have much success in the stock market. All essential information should be referred to before any investments are finalized. This information is provided in detail by investment charts; like futures charts and stocks charts.
These charts contain important information on various stock quotes and futures quote and perhaps, even offer a brief glimpse into the mechanics of a particular stock or commodity. Most of these charts record the closing prices of stocks and shares. This in broader terms helps to assess the liquidity of the market. Through their use, many investors can speculate the future turns that the stock market may take depending on the domestic, or international, economical volatility at that point of time.
The stock market has been distinctly divided into many categories, including the capital market, the primary market, the cash market, futures, and stock futures, among others.
http://www.articlecity.com Ryan Harris
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
9 tips for creating wealth from the stock market.
1. Do not spread your money too thin.
My friend has a little over $200,000 invested in the stock market through 27 different Mutual funds. In my opinion, 27 Mutual funds is 27 too many collecting load fees, management fees, commission fees, operating and advertising fees. Diversity is important, but just as important is over-diversification. Also, in my opinion, $200,000 should not be put into more than 12 stocks, let alone 27 different Mutual funds.
2. Do not pay commission fees to purchase a stock.
If you are going to invest your hard earned dollars into a company, the least the company could do is provide you a way to invest in their company commission free – and they do!
3. Only purchase those companies that pay a dividend.
The same company that you invest in commission free should also offer you another incentive for you to invest – a dividend for the use of your money.
4. Only purchase those companies that have a history of raising their dividend every year.
The same company should continue rewarding you for your faith in their company by increasing the amount of their dividend every year. Rising dividends are also the proof that the company is dong something right.
5. Dollar-cost average into each stock position.
By dollar-cost averaging (buying the same stock at different prices through the years) you’ll never pay too much for the company’s stock, even if the initial purchase is at a 52 week high. Have all the dividends from each company rolled back into more shares of each company, until retirement. The companies you invest in should do this for you, automatically, commission free.
6. Forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from your stock portfolio.
That’s right! Forget making a profit. The burden is now lifted - no more pressure on making a buck in the stock market (Instead of trying to bend the spoon, that is impossible, instead just think of the spoon as – omigosh! - I’m in the Matrix). When you focus on the amount of money your holdings are providing in dividends – and when those companies selected have a history of raising their dividends each year – a lower stock price allows the dividends that are being rolled back into the stock to accelerate your income. The total value of your portfolio may go lower, but your income from that lower priced portfolio would increase dramatically. Profit by income!
7. Make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment.
Do not trade in and out of your holdings. There have been many up and downs in the stock market. The down markets only accelerate your income. GE has raised their dividend for 28 years in a row. Why sell it? 100 shares of GE ten years ago has turned into 1200 shares today due to stock splits, and that is not counting how many shares you would have now if the dividends were being rolled back into more shares of the stock through those years.
8. Understand that a lower stock price, after your initial purchase may be a blessing in disguise.
The income from your stock holdings should grow every quarter, no matter what the total amount of your stock portfolio is worth. (If your Mutual fund declines in price from one year to the next and if your income is not increasing (accelerating) from that fund, why are you in that fund?) A company pays their dividend not on how much their stock is worth in the market place. For example, a company pays a quarterly dividend of 50 cents a share. A company has little control on how much its stock price is worth in the market place on any given day. You will receive 50 cents a share per quarter whether the stock price is at 50 dollars a share, or drops to $40 a share or goes up to $70. While the stock is down at $40 a share your dividend reinvestment is loading up on more shares.
9. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help your dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a dollar-cost averaging basis.
The savings could be as little as $5.00 a week. Why put that savings in a savings account at 1.2 percent, when there are so many companies out there that are paying a 4 to 5% dividend yield and increasing their dividend every year? And since none of the companies you are investing in charge a commission, all of that $60.00 a quarter you saved and invested would help your dividend reinvestments to dollar-cost average into your holdings. Every cent you save and invest would work toward your ROI (Return on Investment).
http://articlecity.com - Charles M. O'Melia
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Facebook Stock Drops as Investors Fear Slowing Sales

At the close of business on Monday, Facebook was trading at $28.25, a 26% decline since the company’s May IPO, though the stock was up slightly in after-hours trading. The company is expected to report second-quarter sales of $1.16 billion, according to analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg. That compares to revenues of $1.06 billion in the first quarter.
Analysts also expect Facebook to report earnings of 11 cents per share, a figure that has declined 11% over the past four weeks, according to Bloomberg. Facebook is expected to announce its second-quarter earnings on July 26.
Laura Martin, an analyst at Needham & Co. in New York, told Bloomberg that she and other investors will be watching Yahoo’s earnings on Tuesday to get a sense of how the online ad market is doing. “Some of the stock weakness could be in anticipation of weaker earnings,” Martin told Bloomberg, referring to Facebook. “We’ll have a better idea about the picture after Yahoo reports earnings.”
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Building Wealth Requires You To Make Mistakes
From the time we are born we're told that making mistakes is bad.
When we're young, we're scolded for misbehaving. When we get older and
start taking exams we are punished for getting the wrong answers and
given a bad grade. Our society views good grades as success and you get
good grades by not making mistakes. The problem with this is that we
learn by doing and when we're punished for making mistakes we can't
grow. We become afraid to do for fear of making the mistakes which we've
been conditioned against. The same fear of making mistakes is what
holds people back from being truly successful. Part of the learning
process is to learn by doing, and even though you're guaranteed to make
some mistakes, this is the fastest way to learn. Once you learn what not
to do, you also learn how to become successful faster. Some of the
world's richest people have declared bankruptcy more than once only to
come out of it and become just as wealthy within a few years. The main
difference between us and them is that they actually went out and
started learning by doing. Many of them opened their own business or
became real estate investors while most of us got a standard 9 to 5 job
because we were afraid to take a chance for fear of making a mistake.
The fact is that the fear of failure or making mistakes is what is
ultimately holding most of us back. For all of us, success lies not in
knowledge, connections or financial means but rather in our belief in
ourselves, the ability to take chances and accept that we will make some
mistakes while learning from the process. There is no faster way to
learn than when your money's on the line and the sooner you get started;
the better off you'll be in the future.
Many people wonder how I know so much about investing and wealth building and it's not because of my education or even luck. It's because I took the time to learn different areas of investing and most importantly, after educating myself, I went out and actually started investing and learning from real life experiences. I've made my fair share of mistakes but learning from those mistakes was as valuable as the money I lost. That's why I'm far ahead of most people my age and wiser than many others that are much older. Don't wait another minute or give yourself more excuses. Get out there in the world of investing and start learning now! No matter how many times you fail, you'll be glad that you took the journey and you'll be light years ahead of many others.
http://www.articlesbase.com by Jamie
Many people wonder how I know so much about investing and wealth building and it's not because of my education or even luck. It's because I took the time to learn different areas of investing and most importantly, after educating myself, I went out and actually started investing and learning from real life experiences. I've made my fair share of mistakes but learning from those mistakes was as valuable as the money I lost. That's why I'm far ahead of most people my age and wiser than many others that are much older. Don't wait another minute or give yourself more excuses. Get out there in the world of investing and start learning now! No matter how many times you fail, you'll be glad that you took the journey and you'll be light years ahead of many others.
http://www.articlesbase.com by Jamie
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Darren Winters meets Miss England and Miss Wales
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
7 Stock Market Tips You Can't Live Without
Every day there are a dozen new HOT stock market tips that guarantee
your financial success. Every day there are hundreds if not thousands of
people that jump on the bandwagon, and every day, each of those people
are disappointed.
When it comes to popular stock market tips, there is no golden ticket to striking it rich. So I'm going to show you how to make your own HOT guidelines that will ensure you stay on the right course-the one that leads to success.
When it comes to popular stock market tips, there is no golden ticket to striking it rich. So I'm going to show you how to make your own HOT guidelines that will ensure you stay on the right course-the one that leads to success.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Someone I helped learn about the stock market
I started with £2,000 and turned it into £20,000 in 12 months. I’m a short term trader – spread betting indices and Nymex.
Thank You Darren Winters!
Chris James
Thank You Darren Winters!
Chris James
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Some stock market related links!
My personal Facebook page = http://www.facebook.com/TheDarrenWinters1
The Wealth Training Company Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/thewealthtrainingcompany
For free tickets to one of our stock market training seminars = http://www.wealthtrainingcompany.co.uk
OR http://www.wealthtrainingcompany.co.uk/wtc/trainingcourses.php
The Wealth Training Company Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/thewealthtrainingcompany
For free tickets to one of our stock market training seminars = http://www.wealthtrainingcompany.co.uk
OR http://www.wealthtrainingcompany.co.uk/wtc/trainingcourses.php
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
When I'm taking a break from the stock market;
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Review On Reading the Stock Market
Simply put in a nutshell, the stock market is the market to buy and sell stocks and shares. This is where company stock gets traded. What are the pros and cons of the stock market?
Monday, 2 April 2012
Stock Market Investing - Top 10 List
The 10 dumbest things investors say to advisors.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Darren Winters and the Stock Market
Darren has been investing in the stock market for over 15 years, having traded in both the UK and the USA and been investing in property in the UK and aboard since 2001. He has read over 200 books on investing, attended over 30 of the best investment training courses, both in the UK and aboard, studied on a one to one basis with several of the greatest investors in the World, and personally interviewed a number of self made investment millionaires.
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